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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Old Louisville to Highlands

I've done this ride a million times. There are a few different ways to go, but I usually use Oak Street. The upside of global warming is a fabulous November afternoon.

I head east from home.
Soon comes the relieved sigh that comes when I get to pedal again. Soooo relaxing.

But then, on Ormsby, I spot a cyclist apparently floating 6 or 7 feet above Second Street. Could it be a tall bike has migrated to our town? I don't remember seeing one before. I gun it (which means I'm the only one who would be able to tell I've sped up),

make the turn onto Second,
AAAAHHHHHH IT'S THE BIKE HAZARD!! Thank goodness somebody finally filled that hole.

I shoot closer to Mystery Bike and then BLAM she's down on the ground. Even better than a tall bike, she's on a very shiny pennyfarthing! How unexpected, and delightful. I want to talk to her and get a picture of her bike, but a Gritty Urban Dweller keeps following her saying, "I wanna git a pitcher of thaat bike." She scoots away from him and the opportunity is lost.

I did get one kind of crappy picture that I antiqued up to maintain the pennyfarthing mood (which she tried to ruin by wearing contemporary cycling tights and sailor shirt). You can see the Gritty Urban Dweller closing in from the right.

Next I swing along Oak up to Bardstown Road and turn North. I have a couple errands to run, which leads me to Pennyfarthing Sighting #2!!

Something's afoot at the cyclery, it appears. Is some sort of ne0-Victorian cabal infiltrating our cycling lanes and stores? Is it our very own SteamPunk? Does it have brakes? Are fanny packs required? . . . . so many questions . . . .

Next I saw what I believe to be the only ghost bike in the metro (surely there's another one).

Jen Futrell was killed here in 2008. I didn't know her, but a friend did. Apparently she was a very nice person.

(moment of silence)

Shortly thereafter I arrived at my destination, ready to drink coffee and snack with two old friends, Amy and Traci.

The weather turned a little colder on the way home.

I spotted 5 other people on bikes, including a guy waiting for a bus with his bike. If I gave points for coolness and non-car use, he'd win.